You’ve found success in many areas of your life yet you feel unfulfilled and uninspired. A check is no longer what excites you to get up in the morning. You are craving more. Your soul is calling you to step forward and you are ready to take the leap. Allow me to help you do exactly that.


As a Master Energy Healer + Freedom Coach I assist clients in reconnecting with there most authentic self by weaving together healing modalities including Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki, World Peace Reiki, Animal Reiki, Sound Healing, Time Line Therapy, Intuitive Mediumship + Integrated Energy Therapy .

You can work with me through my pre-recorded courses which I created based on my own healing journey, in 1:1 healing sessions, VIP Coaching experiences or learn Holy Fire Reiki in one of my trainings.


Lauren Courtney Heals Courses

Ready to dive into your spiritual healing journey and not quite sure where to begin? Look no further then the LC Heals Academy where you can access Holy Fire Reiki Infused Sound Healing programs to help you move from stagnant and stuck to floating and free. Whether you begin with Release Your Money Blocks, dive into Glow Up Your Chakras or want to journey through the RESTORE Library, there is truly something for everyone!

Fear to FREEDOM Healing Sessions

Join me for a 1:1 transformational Fear to FREEDOM healing sessions. You will begin your session with Lauren by setting an intention and getting clear as to why you have scheduled the session. From there Lauren will open space to channel the most pure light energy healing for your Emotional, Spiritual, Physical and Mental bodies to create FREEDOM and alignment with your intention. Please note, no two sessions are the same.

Custom 1:1 VIP Experience

Ready to dive deep? I work with clients in two ways when it comes to VIP experiences. I offer a 5-day intensive for those that are ready to move energy FAST and have a clear vision of their goals. Not ready to move that fast, I work with clients for 8 to 12 weeks to get to the root cause of stagnant energy + fear. Whether it stems from inherited emotions, past life trauma or trauma from this lifetime, these session will truly move mountains for you.


  1. REVIEW all the offers.

  2. SEE what feels aligned for you.

  3. SIGN UP for a session or program of your choice.

  4. DESIRE SOMETHING CUSTOM? Schedule a consult.



My 8 week one-on-one sessions with Lauren were one of the best investments I’ve made in myself all year...maybe ever.  You guided me to dig deep into places I needed to uncover in order to get to my true self again.  Every week was a new adventure...sometimes fun and sometimes hard but always healing and exactly what I needed.  I feel unstuck.  Ready for all the good things waiting to come my way.  I feel ready for 2020.  I’m exactly where I should be and I love who I am. 

Thank you so much.  I couldn’t have done it without your guidance, love and support.  You hold the flashlight steady and bright.  Happy to be part of the collective you lead. - SUZANNE

I just got a huge paid contract offer from a PR company to be a expert in a marketing campaign for protein.  I’ve been looking for paid product sponsorships!   Out of nowhere I get this email from a protein company and a water company looking to partner and pay me.  Feeling open for abundance!! 

Thank you for your work with me this past weekend.  Big impact and major energy shift.  - JASON

Grateful for Lauren’s guidance and wisdom. She helped me grow so much while working with her. Lauren radiates pure positivity and love. She helped me believe more in myself, my abilities and gifts. Learning from her has been a blessing, she truly inspired me to follow my life‘s work.

Thank you for reminding me that I have everything I need to make it happen. To create the life I deserve. Thank you thank you thank!! I send you so much love because you helped me believe in myself again. - JOCELYN

Lauren, thank you for giving me exactly what I needed this weekend. I’m forever grateful.

You have completely opened my mind and I have a vision finally knowing my purpose and path without the approval of others telling me which way to go. I’m doing it for ME and to empower others along the way! - RAE