Schedule A Session

In this hour long session we will set an intention based on your current needs to support you in accessing your next level. Through a channeled healing experience we will release any stagnant energy in your Emotional, Spiritual, Physical and Mental Bodies so you can access your highest level and vibration.

Book a Consult

Feeling called to work with me but not exactly sure why or what that looks like? Schedule a consult and let’s chat to see how I can support you. Whether it be through 1 on 1 coaching or recommending you to one of my online programs I would love to discuss how I can support you on your journey.



Take Healing into Your Hands with access to 12+ Holy Fire Reiki Guided Experiences - this is my personal tool kit and the recordings I turn to when I am ready to shift my energy, shed layers and access new dimensions.

Glow Up Your Chakras

The OG program that clients continue to listen to year after year. This 14-week sound healing and journal based programs will have you healing and activating new life into your energy centers aka chakras. This course will have your accessing new frequencies and levels of light within you.


Shop Sound Healings

Access Holy Fire Reiki Guided Sound Healings that will have you truly taking control of your life in a happy and healthy way. Release fear, scarcity, anxiety and lack as you tune into the recording for you.

FREE Resources

Grab my Money Mantras and Journal Prompts, Tune into a Reiki Guided Sound Healing, Learn more about Angel Numbers or allow your intuition to guide you to one of the FREE recordings.